Starting a company is hard
It is hard to explain to people (at times) why starting a new company is so hard. I think Paul Kedrosky did a great job in the following quote:
Creating a successful startup is among the hardest things you can do in a capitalist economy. Entrepreneurs must successfully navigate a sea of multi-dimensional uncertainty, from technology (will it work?), to people (do I have the right employees?), to market (will anyone care?), to financial (can I finance doing this, and can I then sell the produce or service for more than it costs?) At big companies you can fail at launching a product, fail at hiring people, fail at making money on a product, and fail at figuring out whether something will work. Your big company will probably be unaffected, and you may even get promoted. Do any of those things wrong at a startup and, in all likelihood, you’re dead. You are wandering a maze of dark and twisty passages — most of which are paved with trapdoors to hell.
If you like this quote, check out the whole article: Paul Kedrosky – Why I Love Venture Capitalists
I mention this because, in spite of all the good things happening this week in ConnectionPoint, I still am aware of the tremendous risk we are taking.
Funny thing is, I know we can handle it. Am I insane or just fortuitously optimistic?