Human in training - Enter at own risk!Daryl Hatton's

Take 5: More Learned Overnight
Here is more info we learned overnight at the Cardiac Hotel.
- The best laid plans for long periods of uninterrupted sleep can be easily destroyed by a tiny yellow Lasix (diuretic) pill.
- The more time spent preparing for comfortable long sleep (removing bandages required for walking, etc), the more urgent the situation on unexpected premature awakening.
- A post op man with a heavily bandaged arm trying to get out of bed in a hurry probably resembles a turtle placed on its back: lots of limb action flailing away until eventually the physics/engineering puzzle is solved and the organism finally reaches the desired position. Upon reaching this position both probably feel like they escaped a near death experience. I’ll let you know as soon as I can check with a turtle.
- Big purple bruises turn alien yellow/green as they heal. I always wondered what I’d look like with film industry special effects makeup. Now I know.
- A compliment from someone I respect is a huge bonus. I was saying some nice things to one of the incredibly talented nurses about her skill and she said, “I googled you. FundRazr and what you do are amazing!” I was pain free for at least an hour, even though she had to inject heparin into my bruised belly fat.
- I’m more emotional right now. It is not unexpected but not always comfortable. It does have some benefits. See next point.
- If traveling across the hall at VGH for viewing a spectacular sunset over English Bay, recommended emergency equipment should include Kleenex to the reduce the chance of a biohazard liquid saline spill. Exquisite.
Today may be tough but I hear you all cheering for me. I’ll make it work. Put me in, coach!
Next up: Learned over three weeks