Take 2: First Results Are In

Daryl HattonCardiac, Health, Personal

Photo of Get Well Card from my friends at Daisy’s

Here is the breaking news on the story developing at the Cardiac Hotel

Today was definitely better than yesterday(!) I’ve been disconnected from just about everything and finally have some mobility. However, my butt flapping in the breeze with these awful gowns has kept me close to my room. I’m still not in any shape for visitors and there is no room for flowers.

Please donate to the little girl and Ride To Give – it will make me happy.
With the helipad outside the window I feel like Radar O’Reilly on Mash. Myra and I look at each other and say “Incoming!” occasionally.

To give you an idea how sleepy I can be I slept through the fireworks last night.

Now if I can just get rid of the feeling of being blown up like a balloon – I gained 8 kilos of weight just from fluids – I’d be a happy camper. Well, that and a better chef!

More tomorrow…

Next up: By the numbers