Human in training - Enter at own risk!Daryl Hatton's

Take 4: Learned Overnight
Here is what was learned overnight about the breaking story at the Cardiac Hotel.
- A hot shower is one of the most unappreciated luxuries in our lives. My first one post op last night was an almost spiritual experience.
- In medicine trying to solve one problem frequently creates another. In this case the result was “thrush” which I don’t think I’ve had in 25 years.
- It is a strange experience to look at a damaged body part and have trouble believing it is part of you. My left hand/arm is so swollen it looks like a cheap prosthetic from a B movie. Hopefully the swelling will come down quickly. For scale my Dr thinks there is at least two kilos of fluid in there as part of the bruising. [breaking news] – they now wrapped it a Coban compression bandage to squeeze the fluid out. We’ve gone from Chainsaw Massacre 10 to Thriller 2 just like that!
- I don’t do narcotics well. My dreams last night rank 11/10 on intensity of color, sensation, and other tactile scales. I mean, feeling myself flying through tropical water on my back (think of me as the jet ski) and feeling the warmth of the water, the pressure as I cut through it, the sparkle of the sunshine off all the spray, the freedom of motion, etc. was magnificent! Sadly, the plot was a 3/10 and only reached even that high from an absurd humor angle. Come on – running away from modern day pirates??? What a wasted opportunity! Fortunately the pounding in my heart in the dream did not transfer into real life as my ECG was normal. Third strike – you’re out! No more narc pain meds…
- Hospital pajamas with weak waistband elastic fall down unexpectedly when you pin a remote heart monitor to them. Just sayin’
Predicting my return home in the next two days…
Next up: More learned overnight